LeSS Case Study Formally Published

05 Sep 2022  James  1 min read.


As of September 2, 2022 my Large Server Hardware Company: Extended component teams evolving towards feature teams LeSS case study is now formally published!


I am grateful for the extensive work and mentorship provided by Viktor Grgic and Craig Larman throughout the editorial review process.

Related Presentation

You may also be interested in a recorded presentation by “Mitya” and myself at the Twin Cities LeSS Meetup regarding this case study.

Skimming Hints

The case study is extremely long and detailed. If you prefer to skim it very quickly I recommend reading just the following:

  • Synopsis section
  • All figures and associated captions
  • Conclusion section

Audio Version of My LeSS Case Study

An audio version of my LeSS case study regarding a Large Server Hardware Company is available at the following venues:

The YouTube and Spotify versions contain video which shows the relevant figures as they are mentioned. The remaining venues are audio only.

The YouTube closed captions are based on the written case study text so they are much better than auto-generated captions. The auto-translated captions for other languages should therefore be reasonably good. Only the YouTube version has closed captions.

James Carpenter
James Carpenter

James is an expert in helping companies create effective engineering team structures and cultures.