Learning About LeSS
- Short-Form Reading
- Long-Form Reading
- LeSS Adopters
- My LeSS Case Study
- Audio Version of My LeSS Case Study
- Understanding Agile Carpentry Offerings
- Upcoming Public Courses
The links below provide a set of jumping-off places to begin learning more about LeSS.
Short-Form Reading
Before dedicating the time to read through an entire book, most people prefer to read a few articles or case studies first. The links below provide a good place to start.
Before settling down to read Book 3: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS (2015),
Why LeSS: Provides a high-level survey of the motivations around LeSS.
Introduction To LeSS: Provides a summary overview of LeSS.
LeSS Rules: The LeSS Rules are the definition of the LeSS Framework.
LeSS Complete Picture: Covers the following topics: LeSS Principles, LeSS Rules, LeSS Guides index for book 3, and LeSS Experiments indices for books 1 and 2.
LeSS Website: Reference style arrangement of LeSS framework information using a large overview diagram as a navigational launch pad.
LeSS Version of Scrum Guide: As newer versions of the official Scrum Guide have been released, the articulation and arguably the intent has drifted. In an effort to avoid confusion within the LeSS community, a LeSS Version of the Scrum Guide has recently been published.
Long-Form Reading
When you are ready to settle down for a deep dive into LeSS, the long-form narative structure of a book is often best.
Book 3: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS (2015): This is the 3rd LeSS book. It provides a better high-level overview of LeSS than the first two books. The LeSS “Guides” are all found in this book. In retrospect, this is perhaps the book Craig and Bas should have written first.
Book 1: Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum (2009): 1st LeSS book. Contains a multitude of “Experiments”, almost like a recipe book. The 3rd book is a better book to start with for most people.
Book 2: Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum (2010): 2nd LeSS book. Contains a multitude of “Experiments”, almost like a recipe book. As the sub-title suggests this book focuses more on multisite and offshore development than the 1st book does. The 3rd book is a better book to start with for most people.
LeSS Adopters
My LeSS Case Study
To become a LeSS trainer one must have implemented a non-trivial LeSS adoption, written an extensive experience report regarding the effort, and gone through an extensive editorial process used as a mentorship scaffold for refining the thought process of the candidate trainer. It is not unlike a doctoral thesis in some regards. The level of effort and depth of experience required to go through the process is one reason there are only 26 LeSS trainers globally at present.
My LeSS case study regarding a Large Server Hardware Company provides a hands-on experience report of my efforts at one particular client. By reading this, you and I will have at least one concrete reference context for discussing real-world application of LeSS. There are other great case studies worth reading, but none that I can personally speak to at the same level of depth I can my own.
I also have a business focused summary of my case study which you may find useful.
If it makes sense, I can arrange a call with “Mitya” in my case study. I am grateful to have developed a lifelong friendship with “Mitya” and his family during the time covered by my case study.
Audio Version of My LeSS Case Study
An audio version of my LeSS case study regarding a Large Server Hardware Company is available at the following venues:
- Agile Carpentry YouTube Channel
- Agile Carpentry Podcast on Spotify
- Agile Carpentry Podcast on every major podcast platform
The YouTube and Spotify versions contain video which shows the relevant figures as they are mentioned. The remaining venues are audio only.
The YouTube closed captions are based on the written case study text so they are much better than auto-generated captions. The auto-translated captions for other languages should therefore be reasonably good. Only the YouTube version has closed captions.
Understanding Agile Carpentry Offerings
- Global In-Person Certified LeSS Practitioner: Includes the CLP course agenda, multi-lingual training options, a brief video describing the course, and video testimonials by past participants. The page also links to an interest survey you can use to request a public course by Agile Carpentry in your home town. Lo mismo en español.
- Global In-Person Certified LeSS for Executives: Details how the overall intended outcomes of an Executive Workshop containing a Certified LeSS for Executives and Informed Consent Workshop differ from those of a Certified LeSS Practitioner course. Lo mismo en español.
- Summary of Services Offered: Details services from Agile Carpentry in terms of discrete packages, in addition to long-term consulting arrangements.
- Testimonials: Contains written recommendations.
- Logistics Page: Agile Carpentry has logistics in place to make facilitating a system modeling based Certified LeSS Practitioner or Certified LeSS for Executives course very easy for a client. Lo mismo en español.
- Translation Efforts: Very little of the written LeSS content is currently available in any language other than English. This is true of the LeSS website as well as the three LeSS books by Bas Vodde and Craig Larman. Agile Carpentry can help solve that problem for most any desired language which a client wishes to sponsor translation for.
- PowerPoint Pitch Deck: Here is a pitch deck for LeSS related services from Agile Carpentry in an effort to support internal client advocates. (PDF Version)
- Course Focused PowerPoint Pitch Deck: Here is a second pitch deck which mostly focuses on sponsoring an in-person LeSS course. (PDF Version) (PPT en Español) (PDF en Español)
Upcoming Public Courses
- Dallas Certified LeSS Practitioner on September 18-20
- Singapore Certified LeSS Practitioner on October 1-3
- Barcelona Certified LeSS Practitioner on October 8-10 in Spanish
- Washington Certified LeSS Practitioner on October 22-24
- Osaka Certified LeSS Practitioner on November 19-21
- Bogota Certified LeSS Practitioner on December 10-12 in Spanish