Certified LeSS Practitioner In-Person Course Available Globally

  James  6 mins read.

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LeSS Practitioner Course Available Globally

I can easily run a Certified LeSS Practitioner course or Executive Workshop most anywhere the airlines can take me.

If you are interested in a private course, please contact me via email at james@agilecarpentry.com or via LinkedIn.

If you are interested in having me deliver a public course in your city, please fill out this survey.

As an example, my spreadsheets tell me I can run a public in-person 3-day CLP in Dubai for USD$2699/person if I can identify at least 10 people who would like one. I expect similar pricing will hold for other cities in the Gulf States.

Any course will be primarily in English, with the local language being leveraged as much as practical. See the English and Local Language section below for details.

Course Agenda

The morning of the first of three days will be used to establish the overall context of the system modeling activities which follow. This will be done through a small amount of lecture, combined with both small and large group discussions.

Once the stage is set, we will transition to thoughtful analysis of the impact of different organizational design decisions on adaptability and value delivery using system modeling. Following each incremental framework-agnostic advance in our understanding, we will map concrete aspects of LeSS into our increasingly enlightened understanding of organizational system dynamics. The system modeling brings deeper insight, while mapping this insight into LeSS facilitates better retention along with an understanding of how to act on what is being learned.

We will continue to incrementally advance our depth of understanding using system modeling for the majority of the three days. Towards the end of the third day time will be spent: coalescing the whole of our enhanced understanding; providing guidance on how to move forward; and orienting participants on how to navigate a wealth of additional information.

DAY 1: Setting the Stage

The first of three days will be used to establish the overall context of the system modeling activities which follow. This will be done with a small amount of lecture, but primarily via small and large group discussions and exercises. We’ll follow this thread through the entire 3-day event.

  • Introduction
  • Avoiding Taylorism
  • Estimates, not Commitments
  • People are Valuable
  • System Optimization, not Local Optimization
  • Discovering Value
  • Implications of multiple Product Backlogs

DAY 2: Seeing Simplicity through Systems Modeling

On the second day, we will take what we learned about Systems Modeling on Day 1 and use those tools to understand:

  • Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams
  • Product Breadth Considerations
  • Private Code Impedes Technical Excellence
  • Managing Cognitive Fullness
  • Requirement Area Sizing Considerations

DAY 3: Modeling decisions through Systems Modeling & LeSS

As we continue to advance our depth of understanding using system modeling, the third day will be spent coalescing the whole of our enhanced understanding, providing guidance on how to move forward, and orienting participants on how to navigate a wealth of additional information.

  • Product Breadth and Adaptability
  • Avoiding Middlemen
  • LeSS Complete Picture
  • Structure Drives Culture
  • Adoption in your organization
  • Extended Q&A

After course completion

Each participant will be a Certified LeSS Practitioner and will get an account on less.works. Here one can find additional information about LeSS, share course information, and stay in contact with the other course participants.

All participants get access to the book: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

Participant Testimonials

LeSS Adopters

LeSS Logo Sheet by Sector

English and Local Language

The majority of the LeSS related content is in English, including the LeSS website, LeSS case studies, and LeSS books. My native language is English. I also know some Spanish.

A small portion of the LeSS content has been translated into other languages. For example, people have graciously translated my LeSS case study into Japanese and Chinese.

That said, I think we can collectively muddle our way through using a mix of English and the local language. My ideas to help us are below.

Participants Can Help

I’m expecting at least some of the participants to be extremely fluent in English, with everyone else having at least workable English skills. Participants with stronger English skills should be able to translate more confusing aspects in the moment.

Live Transcription and Live Translation

As long as I bring a little bit of audio gear with me, I am expecting to be able to use Microsoft’s Conversation App which provides both live transcription and live translation. Microsoft PowerPoint 365 on Mac also supports both live transcription and live translation using the same underlying translation service.

Related Links:

Breakout Groups Can Use Local Language

A huge percentage of the course leverages breakout groups for both table discussions and system modeling. Each table should feel free to conduct their table discussions and system modeling activities in whatever language they are most comfortable with.

Class level discussions with me will need to be mostly in English.

Pre-Reading Content

This course has a large amount of pre-reading content which I will distribute to those who sign up. I expect it is easier for most people with English as a second language to read English, than to hear it.

Online text translators have become extremely good lately, so that should help with any tricky aspects of the pre-reading. I expect the entirity of the pre-reading content can easily be machine translated.

Being diligent about the pre-reading will go a very long way in helping to follow along during class.

With a bit of help, I may even be able to fully translate all the course materials into the local language.

Awareness and Sensitivity

By leveraging all the mitigation techniques above, and remaining sensitive to the language issue, I expect we will be able to help each other overcome any language related obstacles we encounter.

Someone who doesn’t know any English probably should not attend. That said, I doubt there will be many people who are interested in LeSS who don’t know at least some English. If you managed to read everything here so far, your English is probably strong enough to be workable for the course.

Are You Interested?

If you are interested in having me deliver a public course in your city, please fill out this survey.

You are also welcome to contact me via email at james@agilecarpentry.com or via LinkedIn.