Air Force Specifics

  James  1 min read.

Air Force Training Catalogue

This course is now listed in the United State Air Force’s Education and Training Management System (ETMS) under “Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices”. This should make getting approval much faster and easier for Air Force related personnel.

As I understand it, since the course is now listed in ETMS, the process only involves the following steps:

  • Submit form SF182 (Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training).
  • Once your SF182 is approved, your local purchase card holder will book the course on your behalf.

I have very little insight into the labyrinth of the Air Force requisition process, but hopefully the above incantations will be helpful breadcrumbs for those who need them. If you need more help, please reach out to me and I can direct you to someone who knows a lot more than I do regarding the Air Force specific details.

However it works, please make sure to reach out and let me know you are coming so I can share with you the pre-read content. I am concerned that the required information might otherwise get lost along the way.


The inevitable course-related lunch conversations are considered to be critical to training, and students are therefore required to attend all meals. Those of you subject to U.S. General Services Administration regulations will recognize this allows you to participate as you socialize with and learn from your fellow classmates.

Commemorative Drink-ware

Agile Carpentry is expecting to provide commemorative drink-ware for participants. This has been included in the price of the course. In the event of logistical complications, Agile Carpentry reserves the right conduct the training without providing the commemorative drink-ware.

Those of you subject to U.S. General Services Administration regulations regarding gifts will recognize this triggers the gift exclusion rule of “Anything which is paid for by the Government or secured by the Government under Government contract”.